Hello we are Betsy & Lola and we deliver the most delicious slice of vintage clothing you can find online. Yes you will not be able to resist a piece of B&L.
So let me introduce myself im Lola and this blog will mostly be written by me HELLO!!
So after much hard work, our baby is now up and running. Mostly thanks to the lovely Betsy. A round of applause please. I bet she's blushing. Nah she's properly bowing who I am kidding.
So im going to take you guys back, back, back in the day when we were tap, tap tapping away me 'B' and our vintage toes.
Yeah that's right im going to take you from A to B all the way to C . Were at A now in case you didn't know.
If we had to sum up our feelings for vintage in one song it would be Mariah Carey - I'll be loving you long time.
I didn't always have vintage fever I caught the bug from my mother Rose who is one of our most cherished buyers. Rose has inspired me throughout my teenage years to express my personality through my clothing. She always has had the confidence to wear whatever she felt no matter how different or off key. Rose was never too fused about high street shops. Charity shops were her passion even when money was short she always looked GOOD. It started with me stealing her broches and scarves. Then came the pearls, dresses, coats, shoes and hats my favorite passion.
Betsy came in to our family and she too was drawn to the threads of the past. Rose began to find special treats for her scarves, chains and so on. Betsy then found her Grans treasure chest of goodies and she hasn't turned back since.
When our friends would be down the high street we would be at jumble sales, car boots and charity shops. Before long our mates wanted to know where we got our kit from our answer would be. "Its VINTAGE darling".
This has now been passed on to my daughter Mabel who is four, when ever she is given a compliment about a dress she is wearing. She will do three things.
1) A full spin
2) Pull her dress up and show every layer till you get a peak of her hello kitty knickers.
3) Respond with "thanks its VINTAGE darling"
Ok so let me get to how the website plan came about before I bore you anymore.
Our friends liked what we wore so we started selling our stuff to them. Then we started sourcing pieces for friends of friends and the ball kept rolling.
One day Betsy was like " Were good at doing this why do we do these crap 9 till 5's lets do what we love…………..
Betsy and Lola was born.
Thanks for reading and what are you waiting for check out the site NOW!!!!
One Love xx
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